Ministerio de damas de la Iglesia de Pentecostes. Visitanos en

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

His Yoke

His Yoke

"For thou hast possessed my reins: thou has covered me in my mothers womb"  Psalms 139:13

Each of its struggle with perfectionism in different areas. Some may aim for perfect looks, others perfect marriages, or the perfect job, ect. We have an "IDEA" of what we should be, and what we want to be one day. We our bound in our mind to this image of what we see as right for our lives. Many times we are bound to a yoke that is not from God.

Our thoughts on womanhood have been shaped by culture, media, relationships, co-workers, television, music, our mother, and grandmothers. As women we analyze the women around us on a daily basis and compare ourselves [personalities, figures, abilities, lifestyle, education, children, strengths and weaknesses] to women we may never even know by name. We judge them according to the standard of perfectionism we ourselves are trying to live up to.

Without realizing it our steps have become heavy and the yoke is at times unbearable.
1. We must die to our expectations (or the ones we have allowed others to put upon us).
2. We must accept His yoke! His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. (Matt11:30)

IICorinthians 10:12 tells us that comparing ourselves and measuring ourselves with one another is not wise. Instead, my expectations, my life, and my fruit must be measured and compared to God’s word.

When I study his word regularly (daily):
1. I come to KNOW the heart and thoughts of Jesus.
2. As I UNDERSTAND his heart and thoughts I become aware of my own strengths and weaknesses.
3. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We must be willing to let go of our "ideas" and search the scripture for His ideas. This is how we "let his mind be in us". I want and need to see my life and myself through His eyes!

God has thoughts towards you and His thoughts are probably very different from the thoughts you have toward yourself. He made you, formed you, and equipped you for the expectations he has for you. He has given you and expected end.

Friend, if you're steps are heavy and the pressures you feel are more than you can bare - more than likely, you are not walking under his yoke or carrying the burdens he has for you. He will never put more on you than you can bare.

Psalms 23:5 says "in the presence of mine enemies you anoint my head with oil, my cup runneth over"

When you are in the presence of your enemies your cup will "run over" but with what? HIS JOY or MY ANXIETY? HIS PEACE or MY ANGER?

To fix myself I must aim for perfection on my own strength, but to allow God to fix me I must become weak and surrender my thoughts to his expectations of me and for me.

If you will take His yoke upon you and learn of his ways - His thoughts (through His word) you will begin to see life through His promises and live for His pleasure. Let him possess your reins and be your guide.

Come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden, I will give you rest! Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart and the shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matt. 11:28-30)

Read Isaiah 58:9-12 to see what God desires for your life when your remove the yoke from your midst [or you could say from your heart]. His expectations for your life are far greater than you could imagine.

Focused Prayer: His Mind in US and
His thoughts towards US.

Coffee Club | October 2014
Notes | Rhona Rubio

martes, 20 de mayo de 2014


Seguramente pensaba que iba a ser un día normal. Que iba a sacar agua del pozo de Jacob e iba a seguir su rutina. Pero no fue así. La mujer samaritana se encontró con la triste realidad de su vida, con los errores de su pasado, y con su inmensa necesidad de un Salvador. Cuando nos acercamos a Jesús, también como ella, enfrentamos quienes somos, de dónde venimos, y lo que necesitamos… La Biblia dice en Juan 4:4, “Y le era necesario pasar por Samaria.” Para Jesús era más importante este encuentro que cualquier otra cosa. El planeo, escogió, y con detalle llevo a cabo su plan. Y, cuáles fueron los resultados? Una vida trasformada, llamada a un propósito, y llena de esperanza! Esta historia es como la nuestra. Sin embargo día tras día veo mujeres estancadas junto al pozo. Quizás hemos tenido un encuentro con Jesús. Hemos escuchado Sus palabras. Hemos enfrentado nuestro pasado. Hemos recibido perdón. Pero nos hemos quedado ahí. Junto al pozo.
Por muchos años viví sintiéndome culpable, atada, y debilitada ante los errores de mi pasado. A pesar de tener encuentros con el Señor en los cuales sentía Su amor, Su perdón, y Su paz, no me movía de ese lugar. En algún momento llegue a pensar que me quedaría junto al pozo, escuchando Su palabra, recibiéndola, y aprendiendo de ella cada día. Pero que equivocada estaba. Que engañada estaba por el enemigo. Eso es exactamente lo que él quiere. Limitarnos. Hacernos sentir que no somos suficientes. Culpabilizarnos. Paralizarnos.
La Biblia dice en 2ª Corintios 3:5 y 6, “no que seamos suficientes en nosotros mismos para pensar que cosa alguna procede de nosotros, sino que nuestra suficiencia es de Dios, el cual también nos hizo suficientes como ministros de un nuevo pacto, no de la letra, sino del Espíritu; porque la letra mata, pero el Espíritu da vida.” Sabemos que no somos suficientes, que todo lo que somos es por El, pero no podemos quedarnos en el pozo recibiendo Su palabra solamente. Él nos ha dado Su Espíritu para mostrar Su poder.
La mujer samaritana recibió la revelación de quien era Jesús! Se dio cuenta que estaba parada delante de Él que perdonaría su pecado, sanaría su pasado, y transformaría su vida por completo! Entonces ella actuó y volvió a su casa y conto sobre su encuentro con Jesús. Y en el versículo 39 del mismo capítulo 4 de Juan leemos, “Y de aquella ciudad, muchos de los samaritanos creyeron en El por la palabra de la mujer que daba testimonio, diciendo: Él me dijo todo lo que yo he hecho.” El Señor quito la vergüenza de esta mujer, el temor, las ataduras de su pasado. Ella testifico, ella fue más allá del pozo y comprendió su llamado.
A los 18 años escuche la voz del Señor que confirmaba su llamado para mi vida. En ese momento estaba apartada del Señor y muy dolida y confundida por situaciones familiares. Sin embargo, con los años fui tomando pasos más allá del pozo. Fui caminando permitiendo que el Señor me cambiara, me liberara, desatara las cadenas que me ataban y demostrara Su poder atreves de mí. Han pasado más de diez años y puedo decir confiadamente que estoy cumpliendo mi propósito, el plan perfecto que el Señor tenia para mi vida y también sé que viene más!
Hermana, amiga, no te detengas en el pozo. Recibe día a día, pero avanza en Su propósito. Él ha diseñado tu vida para creer y hacer. Veras lo que el Señor hará por medio de tu testimonio, de tu obediencia. Los versículos 41 y 42 dicen, “Y muchos más creyeron por su palabra, y decían a la mujer: Ya no creemos por lo que tú has dicho, porque nosotros mismos le hemos oído, y sabemos que este es en verdad el Salvador del mundo.” Hay esperanza para muchos más si tan solo cumples tu propósito, si tan solo vas más allá del pozo!

-Adriana Marin

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

Consuming Fire.

God inhabits the praises of His people and our praises are a sacrifice unto him (not that it's a burden for us .... It's an offering to him .... Like a sacrifice in the Old Testament). 

When we offer our hearts  in repentance and complete surrender - it becomes our sacrifice of worship. 

When we live our days in obedience - they become a sacrifice (or offering) to Him. 

He comes down and consumes the sacrifice just like in the Old Testament! 

A repentant heart is what connects us to Him and an obedient heart keeps us on the alter. 

We know "a broken and a contrite spirit He will not despise!"

We must decrease so that He can increase - that is Worship .... Laying it all down in surrender - whatever pleases the King, to find favor in his site!

Seeing Past the Lies.

May 8, 2008, Rhona Rubio
"And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; 
and your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless..." 
(1 Thes 5:23) 

By accepting lies of loneliness, failure, fear, insecurities, and insufficiencies we become bound to a cloud of confusion and darkness. Here we are unable to see the destiny God has prepared. No matter what lies echo in our thoughts, when we cry out, "God, save us from the lies that have taken root! Create a clean heart, wash, and restore your joy within!" (Ps. 51:17) Then the path illuminates. The cloud of confusion breaks just enoug to see the crossroad. Here He exchanges grace for regrets, peace for fear, and His intimacy for loneliness. He will heal every hurt and bind every wound. (Ps. 147:3) Lord, open our eyes to the lies we have accepted. Give us understanding and patients to pursue healing and freedom in you! Let your peace sanctify our spirit, soul, and body that me might be whole! Let your mind be in us as we walk this Journey with you!

La Sabidoria ...

La educación no siempre triunfa sobre la experiencia.
¡Yo podría leer e investigar el tema de cirugía cerebral mi vida entera, pero estoy BASTANTE SEGURA que nadie querría que yo operara en ellos sin la formación apropiada!
Sea cautelosa para dar un consejo, asesorar, o aun dar "sugerencias amistosas" en base a experiencias de la vida en las cuales usted no tiene ningún conocimiento genuino. Usted toma el riesgo de lucir tonto.

Ninguna experiencia, ninguna opinión.

Deje que la Biblia sea el punto de referencia al cual usted dirige a otros cuando usted francamente no tiene las respuestas.

Sea suficientemente SABIA para no tener que ser un "sábelo todo."

Escrito por Farrah Newton

martes, 4 de junio de 2013

"In Touch" The Busyness of Life

Here it is our first Mujer Real "In Touch" Discussion! This is a bible study with Cindy Miller titled, "The Busyness of Life"

Step 1: Video
Step 2: Read, Think, Respond

April Bible Study with Cindy Miller
“And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42 (KJV)

Martha focused on the wrong thing.
She was so busy doing things for the Savior that she forgot to spend time with the Savior. Do you equate business and serving to your relationship with God?
Martha started well, but she hit a downward spiral.
Taking care of people is a good thing, but Martha got fed up along the way and tattled on her own sister. Sometimes our busy, modern world leads us to feel unappreciated and overlooked.

WARNING FLAGS should go up when we start to feel sorry for ourselves. Emotions can lie to us. Feeling something doesn't automatically make it true.
Have you lost your joy in something? Is there a ministry you are involved in that makes you dread going to church?
What are our motives?
Sometimes we work in the kitchen so that we'll be noticed. We want people to see how necessary and useful we are to the kingdom of God. It's no longer a labor of love, it's just work. Sometimes you really can't do it all.

Let Jesus help you get a new perspective.
A relationship with Him is the most important, lasting thing. Knowing who you are NOT is just as important as knowing who you ARE.

Ask yourself some "Martha" questions:
Do I resent it when people don't notice how hard I'm working in the church? Do I ever get self-righteous in my own spiritual accomplishments?

Am I so busy working for God that I never spend time with God?
What are some things I'm involved in that I no longer have a heart for?

Are there any areas that I feel called to pursue, but I can't because I'm involved in too many other things? 
Do I think God is unable to fill a position if I were to leave it?
What are some things of God that I feel joy in, like He's breathed fresh air into my soul?
If I let go of few things that make me resentful, how can I better spend time with Him?

©Cindy Miller, adapted from Lets Talk 

Lets talk about it!!! 
Feel Free To Leave Comments! 

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

Dios Te Conoce...

1 Oh Jehová, tú me has examinado y conocido.   
 2 Tú has conocido mi sentarme y mi levantarme;
    Has entendido desde lejos mis pensamientos.   
 3 Has escudriñado mi andar y mi reposo,
    Y todos mis caminos te son conocidos.   
 4 Pues aún no está la palabra en mi lengua,
    Y he aquí, oh Jehová, tú la sabes toda.   
 5 Detrás y delante me rodeaste,
    Y sobre mí pusiste tu mano.  
 6 Tal conocimiento es demasiado maravilloso para mí;
    Alto es, no lo puedo comprender. (Salmos 139:1-6)

Dios conoce tus caminos y tu andar diario.
Dios tiene su mirada puesta en ti.
Dios conoce tus pensamientos y sabe donde tu estas.
¡Dios está a tu alrededor y sus manos reposan sobre ti!